Lecture Series: Magdalena Turska

S.E.207 Grote Kauwenberg 2, Antwerpen, Belgium

What does it take to publish an edition?

What this talk is not, is a lesson in textual scholarship. What it aims to be instead, is a rough guide to the complicated interweave of standards, technologies and logistical issues behind the publishing process, and some advice on how to navigate this maze. We’ll then try to follow a chain of serendipitous events which eventually led to a proposal for an editors-first, standards-always and community-foremost tool that was brought to life in the new version 5 of the TEI Publisher. I will talk about some projects that were our inspirations, guinea pigs, challenges and benefactors (usually all at once) and hope to discuss the future of editions with you!

Spanish Literature and Linguistics Workshop on Correlations

S.R. 012 Rodestraat 14, Antwerpen, Belgium

In this two-hour workshop, we will learn how to use linguistic and literary features to evaluate several hypotheses about Spanish literature. Organised with the specific purpose of reaching the students of Spanish Language and Literature who are interested in DH in mind, this workshop will be taught completely in Spanish.

Antwerp DH Summer School 2020: Making a Digital Edition. Basic Skills and Technologies

UAntwerp City Campus Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp, Belgium

In the past few decades, digital editing and digitisation of archival documents have been rapidly gaining prominence. Aiming to cater for both of these branches of Digital Humanities, our summer school offers an in-depth, hands-on curriculum to familiarise students with basic and more advanced tools in the field. Apart from acquiring a set of technical skills (including Command Line, HTML, CSS, TEI-XML XPath, XSLT, and eXist-db), our programme includes the more general practical guidelines on how to make a digital edition.

€150 – €200

Workshop on Voyant and Spyral

Blackboard Collaborate (virtual) Blackboard Collaborate, Virtual

The Erasmus+ project DigiPhiLit has organized a basic course on Digital Humanities for the Study of Hispanic Literature. As it must be done online, we have opened it to anyone interested. Most of the sessions are in Spanish, but on February 16, Geoffrey Rockwell and Kaylin Land from the University of Alberta (Canada), will deliver a session on Text-Mining with Voyant Tools and Spyral in English (Geoffrey Rockwell is one of the two creators of Voyant tools with the belated Allison Sinclair. Kaylin Land is a former PhD student of Sinclair who is now being supervised by Rockwell). 

Antwerp DH Summer School 2022: Genetic editing, from manuscripts to born-digital writing processes

UAntwerp City Campus Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp, Belgium

Intensive 5-day entry level hands-on course on making digital editions of analogue and born-digital texts. In this course, participants will acquire a set of basic computer skills to design a fully-fledged, TEI-compatible Digital Scholarly Edition and deploy keystroke logging technology to record and analyse born-digital texts. Registration information: Early bird registration deadline: 15 March 2022. Regular […]

€200 – €250

Antwerp DH Summer School 2023 – Computer-assisted genetic editing: from handwritten text recognition to keystroke logging

UAntwerp City Campus Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp, Belgium

Intensive 5-day entry level hands-on course on making digital editions of analogue and born-digital texts. In this course, participants will acquire a set of basic computer skills such as XML and handwritten text recognition to design a TEI-compatible Digital Scholarly Edition and deploy keystroke logging technology to record and analyse born-digital texts. 

€200 – €250

GitHub Tutorial

S.R.A.111 Lange Winkelstraat 9, Antwerpen, Belgium

On 12 February, Pieter Fivez gives a crash course on GitHub, offering insights into its functionalities such as data storage, version control and collaborative coding. The tutorial will last about an hour.

Tutorial: Vev’s Design by Caroline Vandyck

S.A.202 Prinsstraat 13, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Have you always dreamed of having a visually appealing website to present your research? But you never knew where to start? In that case, join Caroline Vandyck’s tutorial on Vev’s Design! Vev’s Design is an online design studio that can be used to build your own interactive website in an intuitive way. Its prime focus is […]

Guest lecture: Melvin Wevers on Working with Audio Files

S.A.206 Prinsstraat 13, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium

For Platform{DH} we open up some guest lectures given in the Master Digital Text Analysis. First up: Melvin Wever’s guest lecture on working with audio files for the course Computational Literary Studies. Description In this guest lecture, we will work on audio files. Besides loading, editing, and visualising audio files, we will extract different kinds […]

Antwerp DH Summer School 2024 – Computer-assisted genetic editing: from medieval manuscripts to born-digital documents

UAntwerp City Campus Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp, Belgium

Intensive 5-day entry level hands-on course on making digital editions of analogue and born-digital texts. In this course, participants will acquire a set of basic computer skills such as XML mark-up language and handwritten text recognition to design a fully-fledged, TEI-compatible Digital Scholarly Edition and deploy keystroke logging technology to record and analyse born-digital texts.

€200 – €250