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Asibot is an assistive creative writing interface that uses stylometry to automatically generate new text on the basis of the user’s input. Asibot’s artificial intelligence algorithm was trained on the basis of over 10.000 literary works in Dutch. The user can configure the interface to generate the desired text on the basis of a couple of parameters: a) choosing a stylometric profile (e.g. based on the style of a Dutch author); b) determining the computer’s so-called ‘creativity’ (generating more or less predictable results); or c) setting a limit to the length of the output. The user can then choose to accept or reject the computer generated prose into the running text. Asibot was developed by Folgert Karsdorp (Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam), Enrique Manjavacas, Ben Burtenshaw en Mike Kestemont (Universiteit AntwerpenACDC / CLiPS), and its interface was designed by Basten Stokhuyzen (BSTN).