Dr. Verónica Romero received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from “Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)” (UPV) in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the same university in 2010. In 2005 she joined the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology group of the UPV where she has been working in several projects on Pattern Recognition and Handwritten Text Recognition. Her current fields of interest include pattern recognition, multimodal interaction and applications to Handwritten Text Recognition and Digital Humanities. In these fields, she has published more than 60 papers in journals, conference proceedings and books. She is currently an active member of the EU project READ. Dr. Romero is a member of the Spanish Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)
The paradigm for Handwritten Text Image Processing systems design in Digital Humanities has been shifting from the concept of full-automation, i.e., systems where no human intervention is assumed, to systems where the decision process is affected by human feedback. One remarkable example where this feedback is successfully used is handwritten document transcrition. Human-Computer Interaction directly allows to improve system accuracy combining the accuracy of the human expert with the efficiency of the automatic system. In this talk we present an interactive-predictive handwritten text transcription system and real user cases where this technology has been successfully used. In addition, some studies about different modalities for human feedback are introduced. This multimodality directly allows to increase systems ergonomy and user acceptability. Finally, additional technologies related with image processing, such as key word spotting will be introduced.
This lecture is organized in conjunction with the UAntwerp’s Summer School on “Digital Humanities: Processing and Analysing Images.” Registration for the summer school itself has closed, but attending the speaker’s keynote lecture is free and open to all. Please register by sending an email to platformdh@uantwerpen.be.